Parents, Complete Your Athletics Registration Online!
Please read and follow these steps carefully to be fully registered. IMPORTANT: You are only registered once ALL steps are completed.
Part A: Health History Form - To be filled out by the parent/guardian and student and submitted electronically along with their required electronic signatures. Part B: Physical Evaluation Form - Completed by examining licensed provider with MD, DO, APN or PA. All Physicals must be on the New Physical Form released by the DOE May 1, 2014. Any Physician who administers and signs off a Physical will have needed to complete the required Sudden Cardiac Death Syndrome course and supply their certification number. ** Completed Physical paperwork must be handed in to the school nurse before a student/athlete will be allowed to practice ** ** If you have questions or concerns regarding the care of your child, or any related injuries, please feel free to contact our full-time Certified Athletic Trainer.** Nick Triano, ATC |
Have you previously used this site to register a student?
Click Family Account Login. Use the username and password you created during your first registration.
Once logged in, you may click on the ‘Register’ dropdown and register an existing student or add a new student in your account.